
Ntw – Minimally Engaging Web Design

The view of a design has changed over the years. With new factors arising in web design, there are new trends on the market.  Web designs are now created for the modern digital audience. Fitting all preferences that the average visitor looks for can be easy by following certain design guidelines. With a billion user community, the internet is the most revolutionary and advanced source of information that connects people together. In terms of web design, Ntw designs is a professional digital web design company that has over 20 years of experience in creating websites for companies of all sizes. Read below and find out what all the buzz about a minimally engaging web design.

Why go minimal?

A minimal web design is not only the hottest most popular web design trend of the year, but it also promotes this new digital era. Web sites that contain minimal elements often have a stronger message. When a visitor finds and lands on a website, they want to know if they have landed on an accurate source. With that said, a website needs to display a strong and clear message. With removing all the extra elements taking up space on a website page, a web design will become much more clear and simple. Modern and lightweight web design is currently trending.

How to go minimal?

1-Take out the double sidebar.

2-Remove the multi-image slideshow.

3-Clear out all auto-playing media.

4-Take out embedded widgets that way over 500 kb.

The best way to make a minimal web design engaging?

Engaging content will ultimately make a visitor stay on the page longer and this will lead to a better SEO rank. Alexa rank is known to measure visitor stay time on page. This time effects SEO ranks. If a website has a high bounce rate, that means that most visitors are not enjoying the page and leaving. If a website has a low bounce rate and higher visitor stay time, it means that visitors are enjoying the page and finding accuracy with it. A digital UI or UX animation can do just the trick to make a minimal web design both animated and engaging.

The combination of a minimal web design and an engaging effect can create amazing results for a website!

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