
Maximize Your WordPress Page Speed

We’ve all been there: you sit down to write a blog post and then realize—after two hours of frustration—that the page is still loading. With the right strategy, though, you can speed up WordPress sites and make sure that your website loads quickly. These are the steps to get you started.

Step 1: Choose a fast web host

The first step to increasing your WordPress page speed is to choose a fast web host.

There are many things that can affect page load time, but hosting is one of the biggest factors. The best and fastest WordPress hosting companies have servers that are optimized for running WordPress and other content management systems (CMS), as well as having redundant internet connections so they won’t go down when there’s an outage in your area or elsewhere on the internet.

You should also make sure that your host has good customer support so you can get help whenever you need it.

Step 2: Use a quality WordPress theme

The second step to optimizing your WordPress web page is to choose a quality WordPress theme. The right theme will have these characteristics:

  • Optimized for speed. The best themes are built with HTML5 and CSS3, which means they’re more lightweight and faster than older versions. They also include features like lazy loading images and auto-resizing text that make them optimized for mobile devices (which we all know are popular).
  • Easy to use. There’s nothing worse than getting stuck trying to figure out how to do something on your own website when you could be making money instead. Check out some demos of the themes before buying them so you know whether or not it’s going to be easy enough for you.
  • Good support community. If something goes wrong with your site after installing one of these themes, who’s going to help? Look at how many people post in the forums about problems with their sites being slow or crashing when using this particular theme; this will give you an idea of how good it is at solving its own problems.

Step 3: Minimize the number of WordPress plugins you use

It’s important to make sure that your site has only the plugins it needs.

  • If you have a plugin on your website that is not necessary, remove it.
  • Disable any plugins that you do not use or need at this time. Be sure to check them off in the plugin area of your dashboard so they don’t accidentally get reactivated after an update, which could result in slowing down your site again!
  • Remove any unnecessary themes and/or stylesheets from the list of active themes and stylesheets in the WordPress admin area (click “Appearance”).

Step 4: Optimize your images before uploading them to WordPress

The next thing you need to do is ensure that your images are compressed. There are a few ways you can do this, but the easiest way is to use a plugin like WP Smush Pro or EWWW Image Optimizer. This will automatically compress all of your images before uploading them to WordPress.

If you’re looking for more advanced methods, there are many plugins out there with various features. However, we recommend sticking with the most basic image optimization plugins because they’re fast and simple—and they’ll get the job done just as well as any other tool out there.

Finally, if you’re looking for something even easier than installing an image-optimization plugin on every website (which is likely only necessary if it’s being accessed by people around the world), consider using CDN networks such as Cloudflare or KeyCDN instead.

Step 5: Optimize your homepage to load quickly

Next, you should optimize the homepage to load quickly. This is the most common page on your site and often receives the most traffic, so it’s important to make sure that it loads fast.

You can do this by removing unnecessary plugins and using a CDN (content delivery network). A caching plugin will also help to speed things up by saving static files in your server’s memory instead of on disk.

Step 6: Implement lazy loading for your images and videos

In this step, you’ll learn how to implement lazy loading for your images and videos. Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of images, videos and other content until the user scrolls to them. It can improve page load times by reducing the number of HTTP requests.

Step 7: Fix render blocking resources in WordPress

Render blocking resources are any type of file that takes a long time to load, like images, CSS files, and JavaScript. These files block the initial rendering of your page because they don’t download until the user clicks on them. In other words, if you want to see what your site looks like without any of these resources, you have to reload your browser several times and refresh the page each time that happens.

This is why fixing render blocking resources in WordPress is important: it improves user experience by allowing visitors faster access to your website’s content—a crucial step in optimizing your pages for speed.

Step 8: Minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML in WordPress

Minifying CSS, JavaScript and HTML is one of the easiest ways to improve page speed. Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters from code without changing its functionality. For example, you could remove all white spaces from your CSS files so that it’s embedded in one line instead of several lines.

This step will also help with cache-busting because minification makes files smaller and therefore easier for browsers to cache them for faster load times.

You can enable minification on your WordPress site by using a plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache (both of which allow you to enable CDN support). Or if you want more control over how this works, then I recommend checking out this guide on how to configure caching in WordPress

Step 9: Configure caching in WordPress to speed up page load times

  • Define what caching is. Caching is the mechanism used to store data in a computer’s memory for quick access later on. It’s a process that allows you to save all of your website files, such as images and scripts, so that they don’t need to be downloaded each time a visitor visits your site. Instead, WordPress will display previously stored versions of these files from its cache whenever requests are made.
  • What is the difference between minification and caching? Minification involves compressing HTML elements and file size by removing unnecessary characters such as spaces or tabs in order to reduce bandwidth usage. However, it doesn’t actually remove any content from these files; instead it just makes them smaller by reducing whitespace around text blocks rather than removing any actual characters themselves (i

Choosing the right hosting provider, optimizing your site and using a CDN can make a huge difference.

  • Choosing the right hosting provider, optimizing your site and using a CDN can make a huge difference.
  • Choose a hosting company that has data centers around the world. This will help your website load faster to visitors in different countries.
  • Use a high-quality WordPress theme that is optimized for speed and designed to load quickly on mobile devices.
  • Minimize the number of plugins you use because each one adds more code to your website, which slows it down significantly. If you do need plugins, choose ones from reputable developers who have tested their products on multiple browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Also be sure to disable any unnecessary features in these plugins so they don’t slow down your pages unnecessarily when loading them into browsers used by visitors viewing them live online (not just on localhost).


Now that you have a website and know how to optimize it for speed, it’s time to get started. It is important to start small. Don’t try to change everything at once because that can be overwhelming and cause you to lose focus on what really matters: making your website fast.

It’s best to hire the wordpress speed optimization expert so that you don’t have to worry about all these technicalities. Contact Digital Marketing Philippines today for more information.

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