
How to Optimise Your VPS Hosting Setup?

VPS Hosting

Speed is one of the primary features that a website owner looks for when choosing a web hosting platform for their website. Security, scalability and reliability are some of the others. Linux VPS Hosting fulfils all these criteria, especially if you opt for VPS with cPanel. One of the best parts of choosing VPS Hosting is the complete server access you get with full root access.

Indian VPS Hosting providers offer a range of web hosting plans that provide varying levels of functionality. But each one of them offers the ability to customise and optimise your hosting server. It lets your website keep up with the demands of a growing business and incoming traffic.

Let’s look at some of the ways to optimise a VPS Hosting setup.

Configure your Apache settings

Linux VPS Hosting runs on the Apache webserver. But if it is poorly configured, it eats up the system resources and affects the website’s performance. Here are some of the settings that you can optimise.

  • StartServers – It sets the number of child server processes that are created at startup. Set its value to 5.
  • KeepAlive – Turn off this setting if you have a high traffic website. Within this, you’ll find MaxKeepAliveRequests which you must set to 100 and KeepAliveTimeout which should be set to 5.
  • MaxClients – This value limits the number of simultaneous requests that a server will serve. If the number of requests goes above the limit, they will be queued. Set it to 150.
  • MaxRequestsPerChild – This process determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests a child process will handle before reaching the limit and dying. Set this to 300.

Keep your MySQL updated

Your website’s database, in this case, MySQL, is an important part of your hosting setup. It plays a big part in your website’s performance and security. Older versions of MySQL soon lose their support and stop receiving security updates. It leaves them vulnerable to malware infections and hacking attacks such as SQL injections. Use the ‘mysql -V’ command at the command prompt to check the version of MySQL you are using. Updating MySQL is an involved process and needs certain technical knowhow.

Optimise your content

Content is a big part of your website. And as such, it needs to be optimised in order to streamline your server’s performance. This is also one of the most overlooked aspects of server optimization. Unused or redundant code scripts, huge cache files and heavy multimedia components will drag down your server’s performance. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed and WebPageTest.org that will test your content’s optimization and point out the parts that need to be improved.

Cache your content, use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Caching stores a copy of frequently requested content in RAM. It prevents server overloading and serves the request faster. There are a number of caching software that will help you accomplish the task. You can go one step further with a Content Delivery Network (CDN). It caches your website content to a global network of content servers. Whenever a request comes in, the server closest to the user serves the request, reducing the page load speed.

You can really optimise your VPS Hosting with these simple measures.

You can also check out the following video to get a visual guide to optimising your VPS Hosting setup –


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