
Get Found Or Get Lost!

internet marketing and SEO services

The business landscape is changing; will your business change with it? There was a time when print media ruled; newspapers and phone books were the resources of choice for people and businesses to find what they needed. It was easy to be found because your customers were local to your business.

In the internet economy, your customers can be from anywhere as can your competition. If you limit your customers to only those who already know about your business or who are local to it, you are excluding thousands of potential customers.

Search engines like Google have transformed the competitive landscape and brought businesses and customers together; whether they are located nearby each other or on opposite ends of the country. The thing is, if Google can bring customers from far and wide to your business, it can also bring your customers to competitors far and wide too.

While you might think your business is a small, local business, you can have more reach and influence than ever before, by developing an online presence. Of course, the goods and services for some businesses must be local and in-person. But for many other businesses, the locality can be the whole country or even the whole world.

But, for any of this internet magic to work, more than a website is required. It is necessary for your website to be found. And to be found, your website should appear in the first few pages of Google search results. There is only one first page of search results and the competition for that location can be fierce.

Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is a technique used all over the internet for decades to assist sites in ranking higher than others.  Landau Consulting, a New Jersey SEO company which does consulting in internet marketing and SEO services has provided this infographic to show how to make your website get found instead of getting lost.

Get Found or… Get Lost! infographic

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